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Jonathan Hill

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What do you see your role as General Counsel being?

As General Counsel, my job is to bring a legal  perspective to the decision-making table.  My prior experience as a litigator, and my decades-plus experience working as in-house corporate counsel, make me particularly well-suited to being able to "see the angles" and advise accordingly.  I partner with business leaders to help them execute on their plans and achieve their goals, all the while seeking to minimize risk and legal consequences.

What's been your proudest professional moment?

I've actually had a few. Winning my first federal trial, and hearing the jury come back with a verdict in my client's favor, was a major adrenaline rush.  Another proud moment was the day I decided to open my own law practice.  Hill Law Group, for me, was the culmination of years of seeing what I thought worked well in the legal profession, and what didn't work so well, and tailoring a legal practice around maximizing the positives while minimizing (or eliminating) the negatives. 

When did you get your first job?

I was 11. I got a paper route delivering the Suburban Trends in North Jersey.  Going into middle school, getting up at the crack of dawn twice a week to deliver newspapers in the freezing cold teaches you something about consistency, discipline and attention to detail.  

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What makes you the most happy?

On a personal level, I'd have to say raising my kids.  I have three amazing daughters that range in age from pre-school to high school. We have every stage of "girl drama" going on at my house, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Being a dad is tough but hugely rewarding - my family is the reason why I do what I do

On a professional level, my happiness comes from growing with my clients.  If I'm doing my job right, we're solving problems, managing risk, growing the company, retaining employees, innovating the marketplace and generally moving the ball forward.  I've had the pleasure of having some clients outgrow my "fractional" GC services and hire someone full-time; I've had the pleasure of seeing some other clients get acquired. In all of these cases, it comes down to the people involved and the trusted-advisor relationship that you have with your client.  It's enormously gratifying to know you're adding value and making a difference.      

Tell us about the first concert you ever went to?

It was awesome.  I was studying abroad in Spain at the time and Rage Against the Machine announced a tour date in Barcelona . . . at a venue the size of a high school gym.  I paid my money, took a bus up from Valencia and had the time of my life.  It was a show I haven't been able to top since.

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What makes Hill Law Group unique?

I'm a one-man band, so me I guess (haha)!  Well, that and the fact that I offer General Counsel services on a fractional basis.  My clients like the fact that they can sign up for a block of time at a fixed rate.

What's something people might not know about you?

I grew up in Puerto Rico the son of two ministers.

Words to live by.  What are they?

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

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